
What Modesty Blaise might have looked like ...


Hampson2Dan Dare creator Frank Hampson was first choice of the Express´ Bill Aitken to draw Modesty Blaise. Peter O´Donnel, though, asked that Jim Holdaway – with whom he had already worked together in Romeo Brown - be given a shot and the rest is history …

All artists to follow, Enrique Romero, John M. Burns, Patrick Wright and Neville Colvin were measured against Holdaways achievements and had to try and adapt to his style, which especially Romero and Colvin successfully did.

Except for the newspaper strips there is an adaptation of the first MB novel by Dick Giordano for DC-Comics and the story The Dark Angels which Peter O´Donnell more or less ´bequeathed´ to his friend Romero after the newspaper strip had ended. It was pulished exclusively in Rick Norwood's Comics Revue Nr. 200 and shows how Romero might have handled the Modesty Blaise character, had he not been restricted by the newspaper format.